Subscriptions are the best way to enjoy everything the Charlottesville Symphony has to offer. When you subscribe, you get the best seats to all five masterworks concerts, guaranteeing that you never miss a single note! So why subscribe?
PRIORITY SEATING. Choose your seats before the general public and keep them season to season.
BIG SAVINGS. Save 10% off the price of single tickets.
FRIENDS VOUCHER. You’ll receive a FREE voucher good for two seats to any Masterworks performance.
SCHEDULE CONFLICT? Exchange into another concert for FREE.
LOST TICKETS? We’ll issue you FREE replacement tickets.
TAX RELIEF. Receive a tax credit for any ticket you can’t use.
All subscriptions are sold through the Charlottesville Symphony Society office (NOT the UVA Arts Box Office). Mini-subscriptions (February-April) are on sale now. Download a mini-subscription form here.
Contact the Symphony Society office at (434) 924-3139 or via email.
Section A/A-Aisle: $142.10
Section B/B-Aisle: $121.50
Section C/C-Aisle: $102.60
Section D/D-Aisle: $78.30
Section E/E-Aisle: $54.00
Partial View (Saturdays only): $30.00
Student: $30.00
Can’t find your ticket? Call the UVA Arts Box Office at (434) 924-3376 and a free replacement will be mailed to you.
Schedule conflict? We will exchange your tickets for tickets to another performance (from Saturday night to Sunday afternoon, for example) at no additional cost. Simply call the UVA Arts Box Office at (434) 924-3376 by 4:00pm on the Friday of each concert weekend. Ticket exchanges subject to availability.
Can’t make it to either a Saturday or Sunday concert? Guarantee that the Symphony never plays before empty seats by returning your tickets for a charitable contribution income tax deduction. Call the UVA Arts Box Office at (434) 924-3376 or fill out the form here by 4:00pm on the Friday of that concert weekend. You’ll receive a letter in January detailing the fair dollar value of your tax deduction.
All subscription sales are final. In the event of a concert cancellation due to severe weather, you will receive a charitable contribution income tax deduction for the face value of the canceled tickets.
For questions about subscriptions or one of the policies detailed above, contact the Symphony office at (434) 924-3139 or